June 4, 2017 - CCA - Bates College, Lewiston, ME

On Sunday, June 4, 2017 the campus of Bates College in Lewiston, ME was the site of a Certificate of Conformation Assessment (CCA) conducted by the Maine Golden Retriever Club (MGRC) under the auspices of the Golden Retriever Club of America.  It was the first time since its founding in 2011 for MGRC to conduct a CCA.  In spite of a rainy Maine spring, a sunny day arrived according to plan and the Evaluators and participants enjoyed a lovely Maine day, albeit with a few of Maine's famous black flies adding to the ambiance.


Thirteen Goldens, seven associated with MGRC were evaluated by Susan Foster of North Andover, MA, Sandra Dunn of Bridgewater, MA and Cheryl Blair of Norton, MA.  These evaluators were distictly qualified to interpret the Standard of the breed.  They have met strict criteria, are knowlegeable about the breeds history and have had years of hands-on experience.  Thanks to our Evaluators for volunteering their time, energy and enthusiasum for the breed in assisting MGRC in developing its CCA program.


No club activity can be successful without the participation of its members.  Under the leadership of President Suzy Nattress who served as CCA committee chair, were MGRC volunteers who handled all of the logistics & provided assistance to the evaluators.  Thanks to Suzy & Lauren Booth, Sandy Cloutier, Mary Jo McCormack, Cindy McGovern, Suzan Morris and Sandy Walton.  Thanks also to Lee Daudlin for the loan of her ring gates.

June 11, 2017 - Shaw Park, Gorham - Member Meeting

Hosted by MaryJo McCormack.  A new member was voted in.


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