News Release

      September 27, 2022


MGRC Names Tammy Tomlinson 2022 Honorary Member

The Maine Golden Retriever Club has announced its selection of Tammy Tomlinson as the club’s 2022 Honorary Member. Mrs Tomlinson responded in acceptance letter that she was very surprised and honored, Tammy has been breeding goldens for about 40 years and has produced several CH MH dogs. The club feels it is so important for the goldens to be able to do what they are bred to do. She bred and owned the first male golden to be in the SDHF and DDHF, his name was Echo, prior to Echo 1 female had that honor, I think to date their may only be 4 goldens with that honor.


Most years she has someone in the top ten but what she is most proud of is Daniel, his stats are as follow:  21 All Breed Best In Show, 28 Best In Specialty, #1 Golden, breed and all breed 2018 and 2019 and #1 golden All breed 2020, Westminster Group winner 2020 and National specialty winner 2019.  Daniel is has excelled in other venues as well.


Tammy said she would have never written a book but after Daniel won at Westminster, she was getting many calls from vendors that wanted Daniels endorsement. She got a call from MacMillin Publishing house and they wanted to write about about Daniel going to Westminster.  The Westminster trip was a once in a life time experience and when the crowd started chanting his name it was so crazy.  So, when they called, I said yes.  7000 books have been sold and they are still out doing book signing, infact she had a stamp made of Daniels foot and they stamped all the books. She thinks the book tell children as long as they do their best that is what is most important.

Previous MGRC Honorary Members include Leon Panetta, Luis Carlos Montalvan, Susannah Charleson, Joy Viola, Claire Caro and David Rosenfelt.