Who I am: My name is Susan Lynch and I have been an active member of the GRCA and Yankee Golden Retriever Club since 1995. I have previously served on the BOD for YGRC in the following capacities: President, Vice President and Director and have also chaired numerous club events and workshops. I have successfully trained and competed with my own dogs for over 20 years in conformation, hunt tests, field trials, obedience, tracking and therapy work.
How “Life with Rune” came to be: Rune is my current puppy who was born on 2/7/20. When Rune was 8 weeks old it was the beginning of Covid-19 lockdown and puppy classes were not available
to anyone. I knew how to socialize and train my own puppy and had the idea to document what I was doing in a facebook group where I could categorize posts by age so they would be easily accessible to
What “Life with Rune” is: an online resource where puppy owners can learn how to socialize a puppy and establish behaviors that enable a lifetime of enjoyment for the puppy and person. Socialization
and training techniques are organized and segmented into guides targeted at specific age groups from 8 weeks through 1 year. The guides contain descriptions of socialization periods and short videos
to demonstrate training techniques from 8 weeks through Rune’s first birthday on 2/7/21. I will continue to post showing Rune’s progress as he matures and as I add to the foundation we laid in his
first year.
My intention is: to provide a free resource for the many people attempting to raise a puppy during these Covid-19 and social distancing times, as well as provide a permanent resource going forward
for the future puppies in our households. I believe you will find valuable information in my training guides whether you are a first time puppy owner or have raised multiple puppies over the years.
It is also another resource for breeders to pass along to their puppy buyers!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. You can access the content directly by going to the Facebook page here: Life with Rune.